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UNCTAD’s Ecommerce Week 2021 will be Concentrating on Asia

The UAE and UNCTAD have agreed on the first Middle East/Asia Ecommerce Week (see below). In its recent studies UNCTAD points out that African online shopping has increased by 18% since 2014, compared to a 12% increase globally. UNCTAD has also pointed out that Foreign Direct Investment in Africa was badly hit last year under the influence of the pandemic with an overall drop of 16% (see

UNCTAD is building communities where women digital entrepreneurs can find the support and resources they need to capitalize on ecommerce opportunities. More than 100 entrepreneurs in over 20 developing countries around the globe have joined eTrade for Women communities, which since November 2020 have been launched in southeast Asia and east and west Africa.

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Alastair Tempest

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