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UNCTAD Report Shows that Electricity Is not Reaching the Poorest

UNCTAD calculations show that more than half the people living in Lesser Developed Countries (LDCs) lacked access to electricity in 2019. This is equivalent to some 570 million people without electricity.  UNCTAD estimates that in 25% of the 46 LDCs worldwide more than 75% of the population lack access to electricity. Rural electrification is particularly low, with two 66% of the rural LDC population (458 million people) completely without access. Even in urban centres, up to 33% of the population in LDCs do not have access to electricity. And where electricity is available, access is often unreliable. The UN policy is for that everyone to have access to electricity by 2030. That target seems unobtainable.

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Alastair Tempest

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