The South African Post Office continues to threaten to launch an ecommerce platform for the SADC Region
SAPO has been planning an ecommerce platform for the last 4 years, since it was awarded the task to provide the Southern Africa region with a centralised ecommerce service by the Universal Postal Union (UPU). The UPU’s vision, known as ECOMPRO parcel, will have 4 postal centres for Africa, each run by a national postal service selected for that region.
The programme covers parcels up to a maximum weight of 30kg and specifies a target delivery time of 5 days. It is unclear if SAPO has committed to all the UPU’s programme requirements, however it has said that it expects ecommerce and financial services to provide most of its revenue by 2030. Its e-platform will be aimed specially at servicing small craftsmen and traders in South Africa. As this Newsletter has reported previously, there are now a number of private initiatives which also target SMEs in SA.
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